tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)


tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)

Abdominoplasty also known as tummy tuck is the surgery to remove excess skin and fat from abdominal wall to make it smooth and create better abdominal profile. Abdominal wall becomes loose and lax by number of factors including:

  •  Pregnancy
  •  Aging
  •  Weight loss
  •  Pervious surgery
  •  Large hernia
  •  Healthy adult with stable weight
  •  Loose abdomen skin than bothers in appearance
  •  Individuals with realistic expectations
  •  No significant health risks
  •  Tummy tuck is not a substitute for weight loss.
  •  Tummy tuck is not a weight loss surgery but gives better contour to   abdomen.
  •  It does not address stretch marks on abdomen.
  •  Individuals who are losing weight should avoid undergoing tummy tuck   until stable weight is gained.
  •  Those planning future pregnancies should avoid undergoing surgery.
variants of abdominoplasty
    Also called mini tummy tuck is procedure performed on patients with minimal to moderate excess skin and fat in abdomen and incision is confined to suprapubic area. This procedure is of relatively shorter duration compared to standard tummy tuck. Complications similar to abdominoplasty can occur but are less frequent.
rectus plication

In this procedure surgeon strengthen loose abdominal muscles to tighten abdominal wall that gives a smooth shape and good contour. This procedure is usually combined with tummy tuck as additional maneuver for better aesthetic results.


General anesthesia

hospital stay

Inpatient surgery with one to two days stay

  •  Bleeding
  •  Fluid accumulation (seroma)
  •  Wound dehiscence
  •  Skin necrosis
  •  Fat necrosis
  •  Wound infection
  •  Unfavorable scars

Tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia.patients usually stay one post operative night in hospital and discharged next day.

Your surgeon will guide you about important things in recovery time of this procedure. Dressing will be changed for some time to achieve wound healing. You will be asked to apply abdominal belts for four weeks time. Routine work is resumed gradually with more precautions of posture in early post operative days. Antibiotics will be given for some time. Not always but sometimes drains may be palced in your abdomen to drain fluid for few days. Breathing exercises will be
required to keep lungs inflated in postoperative period.

Tummy tuck patients most commonly experience complications with wound healing and dehiscence along with partial necrosis at skin edges. This often is managed with close watch for wound care , regular change of dressings and minor outpatient based procedure like cleaning of skin edges , drainage of fluid and resuturing if required. Less frequently surgeon may consider revisit to theater for this procedure.

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