tongue tie
Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) is a condition present at birth in which child is not able to move tongue freely.
- Restricted tongue mobility up and side to side.
- Tongue does not come out completely and when child tries to move it outside it appears notched due to pulling of band
- May cause difficulty in speaking.
An abnormal unusually short, thick or tight band of tissue (lingual frenulum) tethers the under surface of the tongue's tip to the floor of the mouth. Tongue-tie does not always cause problems but it can affect child’s eating, speaking and swallowing.
Option to correct it include frenulectomy (dividing the tight band at frenulum) or frenuloplasty (dividing the band and repair with sutures), and the band in excised and the residual wound is repaired with absorbable sutures. Both of these procedures can be done as day care procedures under general anesthesia.
There may be slight bleeding slight bleeding after surgery. Post operatively soft diet is adviced for 24 to48 hours. Recurrence is common in frenulectomy was done.
The frenulectomy is short office procedure last hardly 10-15 min frenuloplasty is also a short procedure requiring anesthesia lasting up to 30-45 min
No hospital stay needed can be done as daycare procedure or you can be asked to stay one day for observation
Surgery is required if there are symptoms. Wait and watch sometimes as the child grows up the band thins and does not cause many sympotoms
There are no long term side effects of this procedure
Frenulopasty is associated with very low chance of recurrence as compared to frenulectomy