Lip augmentation is a procedure that aims to increase lip fullness, full lips have often been associated with beauty and youth. Indication may include:
Hypoplastic(small) lips that may be age related or not. Decreased pout.
Excess visible dentition. Perioral lines and wrinkles. Lip augmentation technique may include: Non-filling (lip lift, mucosal advancement) Filling (injectable fillers, fat augmentation, implants ) Currently filler with hyaluronic acid injection represents primary agent for lip augmentation.
Procedure can be performed within hour, under topical or local numbing agent, sometimes holding ice to area can also numb area. Patient can be discharged on same day. Complications may include: redness, bruising, swelling, infection, ulceration, asymmetry. The results are reasonably long lasting but not permanent. Procedure can be performed gradually, until reasonable results are achieved..