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injuries of hand

Hand is one of the most important part of the body performing finest and complex tasks. Any injury to hand needs to be evaluated for the proper management. These could be simple or complex requiring either soft tissue reconstruction, bony reconstruction or both.

simple injuries

These commonly include injuries which can be managed easily and does not effect the functioning of hand for e.g.

  • Minor cuts/ lacerations
  • Sprains
  • Muscle Contusions
  • Bruising
  • Bleeding in case of cuts
  • Swelling
  • Pain and tenderness
  • Redness
  • Difficulty in movements of hand

If there are any cuts which are deep or require stitches, they need to be seen my doctor in Emergency Department.

To reduce the pain and swelling, follow the RICE rule.

  • Rest
  • Ice application
  • Compression & Elevation
  • Along with-it painkillers are needed to subside pain.
expected outcomes

Simple injuries resolve in a week’s time leaving no major hinderance with the proper functioning of hand. Hand therapy as advised by the doctor needs to be followed for the adequate function of hand.

type of stay

Mostly can be dealt as an Out patient or in Day care with follow ups in clinics.

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Sales & Marketing, Alien Ltd.

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