


Fracture is basically a break in the continuity of the bone, that results in difficulty in movements of the hand.

symptoms: (how do I know I have broken bone?)

You might have one or more of these things:

  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Bruising
  • Inability to move finger/s
  • Obvious deformity
  • Numbness
  • Overlapping of fingers
  • Cuts or wounds sometimes

Fracture can occur due to different causes that might include crush injury, fall, twisting injury or contact injury during sports, road traffic accident or fights.

It can be different types including open, close, spiral, comminuted and of different bones of the hand, including fingers, palm and wrist.

If you see any of such symptoms, visit a doctor to get a plan of management.

If fracture is in stable position or could be manipulated in stable and acceptable position, it can be treated by keeping splint and follow up x-rays are done to see the progress.

If fracture is unstable, then doctor might need to perform a procedure to keep the fragments in place and that can be done either by means of closed reduction (no need for incision) or open reduction (incision needed). The surgeon brings the fragments of bone in stable position and hold them by means of internal metal devices like K-wires, screws, plates or pins or an external device.

  • Stiffness of fingers
  • Loss of strength
  • Loss of range of motion
  • Malunion, non-union
  • Infection

Fractures usually heal nut sometimes healing might me slow or results in improper healing. The cast usually takes around 4-8 weeks to be off depending upon the type and location of fracture.

It usually varies according to the kind of treatment given and either can be just an emergency department stay where cast can be applied or a one-day in-patient stay for the peri-operative treatment.

Hand therapy is needed for the recovery and functioning of hands. Due to prolonged immobilization, patient might have stiff hand, or loss of range of motion or arthritis.

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