Outward or inward turning of eyelids leading to exposure of eye ball. Most
common cause is contractures after burns.
This almost always needs surgical release of contracture and if surrounding skin is fine then its covered with rotation of skin (rotational local or advancement flap) . If surrounding skin is also burn then Full thickness skin graft is applied. Skin graft is harvested usually from back of ear, shoulder area or groin region.
Minor wound infections can occur Recurrence can occur if patient does not moisturize and massage the area after complete healing of graft/flap.
1 to 2 hours or surgery ( in local or general anesthesia)
As day care or admission for 1 to 2 days
More than 95%
In 10 to 20 % of cases , due to improper care , recurrence can occur because skin
grafts need regular massage to prevent it from developing contractures.
Can be done in local anesthesia as outpatient if its minor contracture or may need admission for 1 to 2 days for procedure in general anesthesia.
Outcome depends on the location and size of the fistula and status of surrounding tissues. Although most of the fistula closes after the surgery, some may recur and requires further surgery.
It usually takes less time than the original hypospadias repair and completes in less than an hour.
The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and as a day care procedure. Patient can go home the same day after recovery from anaesthesia.
The most common complication is recurrence of the defect. Others complications include infection, difficulty in urination and stricture formation