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Congenital craniofacial defects:

Congenital craniofacial defects have wide range of by birth defects involving face and skull/head.
Common cleft lip and palate: separation I tissues of lip and palate.
Craniofacial clefts: separation in the soft tissue and bones of face and head leading to variety of defects
Hemifacial microsomia: under development of structures of face on one side
Mobius syndrome: weakness of paralysis of multiple cranial nerves.
Craniosynostosis: premature closure of skull sutures (at junctions of bones) leading to variety of head
deformities. These may present isolated head shape problem or may be associated with syndrome
(group of by birth problems making it complex problem)
Belpharophimosis: underdeveloped eye structures leading to inability to completely open the eyes, and
both eyes looking widely apart than normal.
Vascular malformation: abnormal development of blood vessels ca present as birth mark to wide range
of deformities.
Hemangioma: tumors of blood vessels
Congenital craniofacial defects can present with apparent defects only or can present with functional
problems like eating, breathing, hearing and vision problems. They are dealt by team of experts like
Plastic surgeon, neurosurgeon, ENT specialist, maxillofacial surgeon, anesthetist, nutritionist, child
specialist, experts of genetics.
These children require good initial management to avoid complications. Many craniofacial defects are
associated with heart, kidney, brain, and spine and some of life threatening breathing problems which
need to treat first.
Majority of these children are normal human beings except those in whom there is involvement of
brain. These defects are surgically corrected by expert plastic surgeons after they are being treated and
stabilized by pediatrician and other required specialties.


1) What is life expectancy in these defects
If not associated with major involvement of brain, heart, kidneys etc have goof life expectancy
2) Are children with these defects are normal
Those having no associated problem of brain are usually normal individuals.
3) Will child look normal after surgery
Appearance after surgery is acceptable in expert hands
4) Is it necessary to do surgery on these defects?
Surgery is necessary to maintain form and function of facial structures.

Outcome depends on the location and size of the fistula and status of surrounding tissues. Although most of the fistula closes after the surgery, some may recur and requires further surgery.

It usually takes less time than the original hypospadias repair and completes in less than an hour.

The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and as a day care procedure. Patient can go home the same day after recovery from anaesthesia.

The most common complication is recurrence of the defect. Others complications include infection, difficulty in urination and stricture formation

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