Constriction rings, or amniotic bands, form partial or complete circumferential constrictions around limbs or digits. Occurs sporadically; affects one in 15,000 live births.
Fusion of distal fingers ( acrosyndactyly ),Terminal absence or amputation Localised swelling with oedema distal to the constrictions.
Excision of the constriction band and soft tissue release with Z or W plasties is done for most cases. Traditionally, no more than half the circumference was released at one sitting due to risk of distal ischaemia. However, complete circumferential release can be performed safely.
Outcome depends on the location and size of the fistula and status of surrounding tissues. Although most of the fistula closes after the surgery, some may recur and requires further surgery.
It usually takes less time than the original hypospadias repair and completes in less than an hour.
The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and as a day care procedure. Patient can go home the same day after recovery from anaesthesia.
The most common complication is recurrence of the defect. Others complications include infection, difficulty in urination and stricture formation