constriction ring syndrome
Constriction rings, or amniotic bands, form partial or complete circumferential constrictions around limbs or digits. Occurs sporadically; affects one in 15,000 live births.
Fusion of distal fingers ( pterodactyl ),Terminal absence or amputation
Localized swelling with o edema distal to the constrictions.
Excision of the constriction band and soft tissue release with Z or W plastics is done for most cases.Traditionally, no more than half the circumference was released at one sitting due to risk of distal ischemia. However, complete circumferential release can be performed safely.
Vascular compromise, digital nerve injury, infection, wound dehiscence.
This complication can be easily avoided by performing surgery under loupes magnification, aseptic technique, and postoperative care and by performing operation by properly trained plastic surgeon.
Usually, six months to one year but in case of digital ischaemia , early intervention is required.
One to two hours, but it depends on number of figures involvement.
In patient is required for the procedure and usually patient admits for one to two days.
Yes, it can be associated with foot deformity (talipes equinovarus), cleft lip and palate, haemangioma, and cranial or cardiac defects.