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Breast Asymmetry

Breast asymmetry correction surgery is a procedure that improves the differences between the breasts if these are noticeable. Minor differences between your breasts is normal, but if these differences are larger than the size, shape or position of one or both of the breasts can be changed to make the breasts more equal.

The person/patient comes to attending physician with:

  • Breasts that differ in size, shape or position
  • Breasts that are too small or large as well as asymmetrical
  • Tuberous breast deformity that results in uneven breasts
  • Self-consciousness about your appearance due to your breasts
  • Avoidance of some clothing or activities because of your appearance

There are different ways to address the assymetry depending on the amount of difference between your breasts and your individual breast characteristics.
Some of the few options include

  • making the smaller breast bigger (breast augmentation)
  • making the larger breast smaller (breast reduction)
  • making both breasts bigger or smaller
  • lifting a drooping breast into a more normal position (breast lift)
frequently asked questions

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by women considering this surgery. This concern mostly arises with asymmetry correction by breast implants. Many studies have shown that women who get implants are not at an increased risk for getting breast cancer. In addition, implants do not delay the detection of breast cancer.

Individual cases may vary but generally, mothers can breastfeed after having breast
asymmetry correction. However, some women do experience reduced nipple sensation
following breast asymmetry surgery making it difficult to trigger the milk let down reflex.
Some women may also experience reduced milk supply.

When correcting breast asymmetry, the goal is to achieve maximum improvement. The
degree of asymmetry will determine the likelihood of achieving a perfect, a near perfect, or simply an improved breast symmetry and contour.

Depending upon your general health and the extent of the procedure, breast asymmetry
correction surgery can be performed either as a day case or alternatively with a short hospital stay.

This is unusual initially. However, as with all surgical procedures, revisional surgery may
occasionally be necessary. Implants do not last for ever and revisional surgery because of
implants should be expected at some stage. Further changes are likely to occur with time in your breasts, especially if the initial difference is large, and further surgery to maintain
breast symmetry is likely to be required.

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