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bone graft

Bone graft is the process of transferring bone from one site to another. Bone graft may be obtained from the patient (auto-graft), another individual (alloy-graft), or another species (xenon-graft). Auto-graft can be cancelous, cortical or cortices-cancelous.

types of autografts
  •  Non-vascularized bone graft …..For Defects less than 6 cm with a
    well vascularized bed, adequate soft tissue cover, and absence of infection. Donor area… iliac bone, fibula, mandible, radius scalp etc.
  •  Vascularized bone graft…… For Defects less than 6 cm, it remains alive and dynamic in its new site. Donor area… free fibula flap, free iliac bone graft, free radial bone graft etc.
Indication of bone graft

Nonunion, Malunion, Segmental Bone Loss, As Space Filler Bony. Reconstruction.


Recovery time depends on the injury or defect being treated and the size of the
bone graft. It can take 3 to 6 months. One should avoid extreme exercise for up to
6 months

Pain, inflammation, puss discharge, wound dehiscence

In patient is required for bone grafting and usually patient admits for two to three days.

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