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Keloid is a skin condition in which skin heals with exuberant granulation tissue after trauma. It is a hereditary condition and certain skin types are more prone to this kind of healing. It mostly occurs on the ears and nose after piercings or sternum (breast bone) after some trauma. Any trauma that you suffer from; if it involves the skin, can lead to such scars.

Do you have a raised scar on any part of the skin?

Did it form after getting a piercing?

Did it form after any trauma?

Has it increased in size since its occurrence?

Does it itch?

Does it bleed on touch or contact?

Does it appear unsightly to you?

What do you know about your problem?

There are many treatments but still no ideal treatment is available. Single method usually does not work well and a combination of therapies is required to get good results.

NON SURGICAL:  Administration of steroid injection in the lesion requires at least 6 sessions; each session being 4-6 weeks apart.

Silicone gel has also been shown to be effective. This can be either as a topical gel or as an elastic sheet (wrapped around the keloid scar for at least 12 hours per day for at least 3 months)

SURGICAL:   Excision (taking out the lesion completely) followed by radiotherapy.

Intralesional (Incomplete excision) followed by steroids injections, silicone gel ad sheet.


1. Does keloid regress or disappear without treatment?

No, they can stop growing but do not regress or disappear on their own.

2. What are the chances of keloid to reappear after treatment?

It depends on the type of treatment but generally keloid has high chances of recurrence. Steroid treatment has recurrence rates (9%-50%) Surgical excision followed by immediate postoperative radiation therapy has a recurrence of 20%

3. What is recovery time for surgery?

Surgical treatment takes 6-8 weeks till recovery

4. How much stay in hospital is required for surgery?

It doesn’t require a long hospital stay and can be done as a daycare procedure.

5. How much time is required for medical therapy?

Steroid treatment or silicone therapy is done over a period of 6 months to 1 year minimum


Written by :  Dr. Fahmina

Copyrights: Pakistan association of Plastic Surgeons