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Syndactyly is a fusion of the soft tissue, skeletal, or both elements of adjacent is very common congenital hand deformity, 20% have a family history (autosomal dominant) and 50% are bilateral. It can be associated with syndromic conditions (such as Apert’s and Poland’s)


Fusion of fingers (Middle-ring finger web is most commonly affected – 58% of cases, 27% ring-little finger web, 14% middle-index web and 1% thumb-index web) Nail fusion (synonychia) Associated limb, chest wall and foot abnormalities.

Operative Procedure

Aim to separate the digits, provide a lined commissure, and create minimal scarring. The web is reconstructed with proximally based dorsal or volar flaps. Dorsal and volar interdigitating flaps close defects along the borders of the digits. Skin (Full thickness skin grafts) may be required to resurface residual raw areas


Outcome depends on the location and size of the fistula and status of surrounding tissues. Although most of the fistula closes after the surgery, some may recur and requires further surgery.

It usually takes less time than the original hypospadias repair and completes in less than an hour.

The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and as a day care procedure. Patient can go home the same day after recovery from anaesthesia.

The most common complication is recurrence of the defect. Others complications include infection, difficulty in urination and stricture formation

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