wrist ganglion
It is the collection of jelly like colorless thick fluid deep under the skin from the bone mostly on posterior surface the wrist joint.
Initially it begins with a small painless, swelling over the wrist joint nearby inline of 2nd and 3rd. digit. As it enlarges it limits wrist movement of wrist due to pain and tenderness.
It is excised under general anesthesia. Swelling is marked and excised completely from wrist then skin is closed in layers. Mild Pressure Dressing is applied later.
Recurrence after draining the ganglion is the most common complication. Rarely tendon or vascular injury can occur while draining or excising it. Skin infection after surgery can be a suspected complication.
Outcomes are better if is excised rather in draining it.
Few minutes to one hour.
Day care set up or one day admission.