Nerve is like a bundle of wires wrapped in outer covering. it signals between brain and body and responsible for the transportation of all sensory information and function of body when a nerve is damaged the muscles supplied by it didn’t get order from brain and become paralyzed likewise interruption of sensory information cause numbness in that specific area .There are three types of nerve injuries, a shock to nerve stops its function for a few weeks without any physical damage, damage of inner fibers will take months to recover without surgery. We need to repair nerve in case of outer covering is also damage and the nerve is completely transected
In case of any loss of sensation or loss of function after trauma your surgeon will take complete history and examine you to determine nature and location of nerve injury. Your surgeon might also carry out further investigations like nerve conduction study (NCS) and Electromyography (EMG) to try and assess the damage to the nerve.
The result of a nerve injury is generally unpredictable. After the surgery your Surgeon will be able to inform you what to expect. It is to remember that nerves take many months to repair themselves. And the final result will take a year or more. If a nerve is damaged for a few months to a year your surgeon might also consider other techniques like transferring other nerves or use muscle to perform lost function of nerve.
Nerve surgery is generally done under general anesthesia and you need to be admitted in hospital. During surgery your surgeon will use special instruments to locate the damaged portion of the nerve and might use magnifying glasses or microscope to repair it. In case of a gap between nerve ends your surgeon might remove a tiny nerve from your leg and use it as a bridge.
After the surgery there will be a splint placed to stop movement on the operated site, to reduce pain and to prevent damage to the repair site. Splint will be removed after 4 weeks and you will start doing physiotherapy to keep your joint supple.
1. What is EMG and NCS like?
It’s a procedure involving needle pricks in your muscles to see electrical activity. Your doctor or technician will also apply small electrodes to different areas of hand and limb to check nerve functions.
2. How do you actually repair nerves?
We use very fine sutures, sometimes even finer than human hairs to suture nerve ends together.
3. If electricity is passing through my nerves why can’t I get full function instantaneously after repair ?
It’s a different kind of electricity which needs nerves to be completely healed for transmission. Nerve fibers actually grow into nerves like worms in tubes to reach their destination before supplying signals.
Written by : Dr. Obaidur Rahman
Copyrights: Pakistan association of Plastic Surgeons